ShanghaiTech University MatLab Campus license includes access to MATLAB Academic Online Training Suite (MAOTS) through MATLAB Academy Now!


1. MATLAB Academic Online Training Suite (MAOTS)

Faculty and students from ShanghaiTech University can learn MATLAB interactively with courses through MATLAB Academy Now!


The courses include demonstrations, quizzes, and hands-on MATLAB practice sessions that allow users to apply the skills immediately. Course content is provided in short well-defined modules, enabling users to jump to the topics of most interest. All users who are associated to our MATLAB campus license are automatically enrolled in all MAOTS available online training courses.


2. Access Instructions

MatLab Academy is a self-service learning program that can be accessed by following the instructions below.
     1) Visit the site:
     2) Log in using your own MathWorks account

3) Users who are not associated to the campus license can visit

to link your MathWorks account to the license.

You can find License Number or Activation Key here:

Campus only
 Once logged in, you will be able to see a full list of available courses.