1.    Access most of the Library’s E-resources through the VPN

1.1 Visit https://vpn.shanghaitech.edu.cn/ to download the VPN client;

1.2 Login with your institutional account;

1.3 More details, please refer to 20250107-ShanghaiTech University VPN Access Guide.pdf

1.4 Contact the IT services at 20685566 or it-support@shanghaitech.edu.cn for any technical inquiries.

2.    Access through CARSI/Shibboleth

2.1 It is recommended to use this method for off-campus access.

2.2 In this way you can log in with your institutional account visit the e-resource without setting up VPN even from off-campus network. You need to find the entrance of institution login and the name of our institution first, and then reach the login page.

2.3 Please refer to Guidance of Remote Access Based on CARSI Shibboleth.docx