ChemOffice是业界领先的科学分析桌面套件,可高效智能地管理化合物、反应式、材料及其相关的数据和属性,帮助科学家提高工作效率并作出更明智的决策。ChemOffice Professional包含ChemDrawProfessional, Chem3D 分子模型及仿真,ChemFinder 化学信息搜寻整合系统,ChemScript等全模块功能。
图书信息中心邀请到了PerkinElmer的 Global Marketing ManagerPierre Morieux博士为大家带来ChemDraw的热门功能介绍,欢迎大家报名参加!
主讲人:Dr. Pierre Morieux, ChemDraw Global Marketing Manager
Name: Pierre Morieux
Got a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2010 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then did a post-doc in bioorganic chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, France. In 2012 he got hired by PerkinElmer Informatics after he published a highly popular YouTube video on how to use ChemDraw more efficiently. After 4 years spent as a Field Application Scientist, he is now the ChemDraw Global Marketing Manager at PerkinElmer.
From new integrations with Elsevier Reaxys and PerkinElmer’s ChemACX database, to HELM library management and smarter copy/paste capabilities, ChemDraw 18 continues to innovate by accelerating the speed of research and enabling chemists to spend more time on what really matters.
Training agenda
1) What’s new in Chemdraw 18 and what’s coming
2) Tips & Tricks
a. Hotkeys
b. Shortcuts around molecules/reactions
c. Clean-up functions
d. Document Settings
e. Labels, nicknames, templates
f. Drawing cycles
g. Handling objects in ChemDraw
h. Generic Structures
ChemDraw Day Shanghai Technology University.pptx